AVAIL Desktop v3.15
Release Notes: May 2020

The following were delivered as part of a development effort that concluded on May 15, 2020.
This effort is for the release of version of the AVAIL Desktop application. This is a cumulative update since Version


Unified SignIn

  1. The AVAIL Local database is now shared between the AVAIL Desktop Application and any installed AVAIL Browsers
  2. SQLLocalDB no longer needs to be deployed with MSI installers

Host in Cloud (Early-Access Feature – Requires AVAIL to enable this feature for each Enterprise customer)

  1. Channels can be published and hosted in AVAIL’s cloud environment.
  2. Content downloaded from cloud-hosted Channels are cached on the local machine
  3. Added publish details to the side panel
  4. Added async to reduce UI hang when publishing changes

Thumbnails API

  1. Thumbnails that are virtualized for content or for content that has been hosted in the cloud now pass through a new Thumbnails API


  1. Updated the Channel list and Browse Channels to show what type of published Channels are available
  2. Improved Stream Definitions & Stream Channels sorting
  3. Reorganized the right-click menu on a Channel
  4. Improved keeping selected item in view whenever the side panel has been opened
  5. Updated Splash Screen
  6. Improved sorting content in a marketplace Channel


  1. Improved search results
  2. Improved Prefix search
  3. Partial word searching (‘Bench’ by typing ‘ench’)
  4. Mapping of file types
    • e.g. Typing “video” returns .mp4, .wmv, etc.
      e.g. Typing “image” returns .png, .jpg, etc.
      e.g. Typing “cad” or “3d” returns .rvt, .rfa, .dwg, etc.


  1. Fixed crash on right-click > Add Comment on a piece of Content.
  2. Remove Click-to-Download from Desktop
  3. Fixed issue with adding and removing tags from content hosted in cloud Channels
  4. Fixed subsequent publishing bugs for cloud-hosted Channels
  5. Fixed parameter template updates for cloud-hosted Channels


  1. Fixed issue with Marketplace Channels not properly Instantiating downloaded Content
  2. Fixed bug with Content IndexPath not updating for republish


  1. Registration and Login
  2. Updated “Login with ArchVision” on app.getavail.com
  3. Integrations of app.getavail.com to pre-populate Team name
  4. Fixed Team name validation on app.getavail.com
  5. Reworked the flow for creating a user and generating the claims such that a user without a surname is permitted to create an AVAIL account
  6. Fixed issue with null organization field with ArchVision users


AVAIL Browsers
Release Notes: June 2020

The following were delivered as part of a development effort that concluded on Friday, May 29, 2020. This effort is for the release of version of the AVAIL Browser for Revit, version of the AVAIL Browser for Rhino, version of the AVAIL Browser for SketchUp, version of the AVAIL Browser for AutoCAD & CIvil3D, and version of the AVAIL Browser for 3dsMax.

This is a cumulative hot-fix update. It’s release is primarily focused on addressing various issues with the AVAIL Browser for Revit (v4.3.x) since introducing support for Revit 2021.

AVAIL Browser for Revit
Monday, June 1, 2020

About Dialog

  1. Added option to enable Debug logging
  2. Added option to Open the location of the AVAIL Browser for Revit’s log file for the current version of Revit (e.g. Revit 2020, Revit 2021, etc.)


  1. Added drag and drop capability of RPC files when tethered to the AVAIL Desktop Application


  1. Addressing compatibility issues with .NET Framework 4.8
  2. Fixed issue with Channel selection drop-down not closing if user is attempting to selected the currently selected channel
  3. General styling fixes for modal dialogs

Content Mode

  1. Fixed issue with the Load Family option not loading with no Family Types selected
  2. Fixed issue with “Load Selected Views” when drilled into a Sheet and selected a View
  3. Fixed issue with a Sheet that contains Drafting Views with the individual elements not displaying as being loaded

Thumbnail Generator

  1. FIxed crash when closing the Thumbnail Generator dialog

AVAIL Browser for SketchUp


  1. Fixes issue with Installer failing to continue if SketchUp isn’t installed under the Current User. Added registry check for installation of SketchUp in both the Local Machine (HKLM) and Current User (HKCU) depending on the context that SketchUp was installed.


  1. Fixed name of reported Source Application
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